- Experience shows, without exception, that miracles occur only in times and in countries in which miracles are believed in, and in the presence of persons who are disposed to believe them. —Ernest Renan, The Life of Jesus
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Category Archives: Religious Atheism
How I Found Ungod
[Old piece of writing from one of my mid-1990’s websites—yes, it’s a spoof, but one with a philosophical/atheological point to make (see first footnote explaining the origin and concept of “Ungod”).] Excursions Near the Temple of Gloom or How I … Continue reading
Here or Elsewhere?
The first great question of life is: here or elsewhere? All our hungers, emotions, fears, inclinations, perceptions, desires, urges, obsessions, wants, instincts and needs answer here. Yet the answer of all the great religions is elsewhere. It is a remarkable … Continue reading
Posted in Articles Highlighted, Religious Atheism, Supernaturalism
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Thoughts, Feelings & Faith
People don’t like to be told that their feelings are wrong. Which is understandable. Feeling are, after all, not thoughts. They can’t be proved—or disproved. They just are. Which is why religion animates us, and philosophy does not. Religion is … Continue reading
Posted in Atheist Culture, Faith & Reason, Religious Atheism
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