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- Rough Notes about Consciousness | Atheology on The Basics
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Category Archives: Articles Highlighted
The Argument from Perfection
Either God is imperfect, God does not exist, or God did not create the physical world. Such is the conclusion to which we are driven by one of the most compelling atheist arguments. The argument from perfection is closely related … Continue reading
Torture and American Christianity
December 25, the holiday long celebrated as the birthday of the Unconquered Sun, but more recently as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the central figure in Christianity. Jesus is generally presented as a pacifist, author of the sermon on the … Continue reading
Why atheism?
Why am I an atheist? Since atheism is still a somewhat unusual point of view, let me be candid about why I believe no God exists. Before proceeding, it is important to define God — otherwise no coherent discussion is … Continue reading
Naturalism’s Touchstone Proposition
In his book, Faith & Reason, Ronald Nash introduced what he calls Christianity’s “touchstone proposition.” A touchstone proposition, Nash explained, is the “control-belief or ultimate presupposition” that encapsulates the “fundamental truth ” of a worldview. [p. 46] Nash followed with … Continue reading
Posted in Articles Highlighted, Naturalism, Theologians
Does Life Have Meaning?
Perhaps the most popular objection to naturalism is the claim that without a God life is meaningless. Let’s take a look at it. This is actually a two-part claim under a natural world view life has no meaning God provides … Continue reading
Posted in Articles Highlighted, Meaning & Value, Naturalism
Contingency and Necessity
Theists say something created everything out of nothing. But was this something, this God, itself part of the nothing or part of the everything? If part of nothing, it is nothing. If not part of everything, isn’t it also nothing? … Continue reading
Posted in Articles Highlighted, Cosmological
Can General Atheism be Proved?
In Agnosticism Revisited and the Case for Atheism I argued that being agnostic about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Creator isn’t justifiable. I used the Argument from Perfection (a version of the Problem of Evil) to demonstrate that belief in a perfect creator … Continue reading
Why Are We Alive?
We go to work, we eat, are entertained or entertain others with movies, music, tv, drama and comedy, we party with friends, couple, have sex, yet behind all our activities lurks the question, why do we exist? What is it … Continue reading
Fundamental Enemies
It is not easy to make human pleasure the enemy. It is not easy to induce people to sacrifice the creature comforts of bodily life for the wasteland of spiritual existence called heaven: paranoia and fear are required for the … Continue reading
Bad Faith
Reliance on faith demonstrates bad faith on the part of the faithful. What makes reliance on faith “bad”? It’s bad, I would say, because it is intellectually dishonest. But what makes reliance on faith dishonest? If the way we determine … Continue reading
Posted in Articles Highlighted, Faith & Reason
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