- Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst. —Thomas Paine
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Category Archives: Christianity
Coherence of Naturalism
One of the fundamental “facts” about existence we all experience is that physics trumps sentience. As a consequence, physics trumps goodness, trumps morality. A single example should suffice. When a murderer points his gun at a saint and pulls the … Continue reading
Naturalism and Knowledge
We are living at the crossroads between supernaturalism and naturalism: the world is gradually abandoning the first for the second. Conservative Christians like to say there is a culture war going on, and there is. But it has more than … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Naturalism, State & Church, Supernaturalism
An Aura of Ownership
The purpose of solemnizing prayer before a legislative session is to create an aura of ownership over the proceedings which follow. Five Catholics on the Supreme Court find that permissible. Although bringing church to work feels wholly comfortable to the … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Christinsanity, Religion, State & Church
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Absurd Conversation
Two self-styled atheists and a Christian engaged in conversation. Their names were A, J and T. It went something like this. J – Life is absurd. T – No. It follows God’s plan. J – Then it’s an absurd plan. … Continue reading
Posted in Atheist Culture, Christianity
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Women and Patriarchy
Dear Atheology Readers, I am honored to have been invited by Dwight to write a post on atheology.com. Raised by Fundamentalist parents in the Bible Belt, I am excited to share some of my thoughts on why women join—and leave—fundamentalist … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Feminism, Patriarchy
Do Test Tube Babies Have Souls?
Last month God and China got pissed off at the committee that awards the Nobel Prize. China because the Peace Prize went to someone they threw in prison for advocating democracy. And God? Well, Robert Edwards won the Nobel Prize … Continue reading
Posted in Afterlife & Immortality, Christianity
Military Madness
No benefit for human beings is more obvious than the benefit of demilitarizing the world. Every dollar spend on weaponry and war is a dollar not spent improving our lives. As Glenn Greenwald’s review of military expenditures shows, one country’s … Continue reading
Posted in Bush Wars, Christianity, Religion
Torture and American Christianity
December 25, the holiday long celebrated as the birthday of the Unconquered Sun, but more recently as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the central figure in Christianity. Jesus is generally presented as a pacifist, author of the sermon on the … Continue reading
Five Revelations
I became an atheist through the back door, as explained elsewhere. It wasn’t until after I had been godless for several years that I began to discover the usual arguments that, for most non-believers, led to atheism. It was only … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Faith & Reason, Prayer, Religion, Unsacred Texts
Templeton Prayer Study Flawed
Touted as the largest scientific examination of prayer’s effect on hospital patients, the Templeton Foundation arranged for Christians to pray for 1800 heart patients and tracked the results. Prayer was not effective. According to CNN, “[t]he patients . . . … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Christinsanity, Prayer