- In a sentence he sums up the dark and deadly pages of Christian history: 'If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.' —Herbert J. Muller quoting Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Uses of History
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- Mind is the Brain Improving Itself | Atheology on The Basics
- Rough Notes about Consciousness | Atheology on Mind is the Brain Improving Itself
- Rough Notes about Consciousness | Atheology on The Basics
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Category Archives: Supernaturalism
Georges Lemaître & Naturalism as History
Throughout the history of science, the naturalistic turn of mind has been to look for a history for physical stuff. And the supernaturalistic turn of mind has been the opposite. Plato famously excluded a history for the world by postulating … Continue reading
Posted in Atheology, Evolution & ID, Naturalism, Supernaturalism
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Fallacies of the Naive Observer
Today I’m going to discuss a fallacy common to observers of the physical world (people like us), one which has significant practical importance. I call it the naive observer fallacy, and it goes something like this. (1) Observers bring biases … Continue reading
Posted in Atheology, Naturalism, Nature of Knowledge, Simulacrum, Supernaturalism
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Naturalism and Knowledge
We are living at the crossroads between supernaturalism and naturalism: the world is gradually abandoning the first for the second. Conservative Christians like to say there is a culture war going on, and there is. But it has more than … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Naturalism, State & Church, Supernaturalism
Disembodied intelligence and the natural worldview
Roughly speaking, there are two ways of looking at the “big picture” of life, two basic worldviews—which we commonly call the natural and the supernatural. At first glance the difference seems clear. One says everything that exists is natural, the other … Continue reading
Posted in Atheology, Naturalism, Supernaturalism
What atheists have in common
It’s often said that the only thing atheists have in common is what they disbelieve. It’s also often said that disbelieving in God is just as much a religious belief as is believing in God, or more exactly, that both … Continue reading
Posted in Naturalism, Non-Existence Arguments, Supernaturalism
Can General Atheism be Proved?
In Agnosticism Revisited and the Case for Atheism I argued that being agnostic about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Creator isn’t justifiable. I used the Argument from Perfection (a version of the Problem of Evil) to demonstrate that belief in a perfect creator … Continue reading
Here or Elsewhere?
The first great question of life is: here or elsewhere? All our hungers, emotions, fears, inclinations, perceptions, desires, urges, obsessions, wants, instincts and needs answer here. Yet the answer of all the great religions is elsewhere. It is a remarkable … Continue reading
Posted in Articles Highlighted, Religious Atheism, Supernaturalism
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