- No one is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart: for his purity, by definition, is unassailable. —James Baldwin
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Category Archives: Bushwacked
The Bill of Rights is only paper
Senator Rand Paul is conducting a gallant filibuster of the Senate confirmation of John Brennan (architect of the US Government’s drone program) as director of the CIA. Paul is filibustering because Attorney General Eric Holder stated that the Obama Administration … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, Atheist Culture, Bush Wars, Homeland Insecurity, Iraq
Death of the Caliphate
His life ended with the kind of brief episode of terror he had schemed for thousands of others. To call up a Biblical phrase he might have appreciated, you reap what you sow. He sowed terrorism, but what Osama bin … Continue reading
Posted in Bush Wars, Iraq, Islam, Islaminsanity, State & Church
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Military Madness
No benefit for human beings is more obvious than the benefit of demilitarizing the world. Every dollar spend on weaponry and war is a dollar not spent improving our lives. As Glenn Greenwald’s review of military expenditures shows, one country’s … Continue reading
Posted in Bush Wars, Christianity, Religion
Torture and American Christianity
December 25, the holiday long celebrated as the birthday of the Unconquered Sun, but more recently as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the central figure in Christianity. Jesus is generally presented as a pacifist, author of the sermon on the … Continue reading
IHEU corrects UN Human Rights Council
The International Humanist and Ethical Union monthly news email just came. Among their recent activities they have endorsed a letter sent by Diana Brown of the World Population Foundation to the U.N. Human Rights Council objecting to their resolution (also … Continue reading
Posted in Atheist Culture, Bush Wars, Civil Unliberties, State & Church
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Fundamental Enemies
It is not easy to make human pleasure the enemy. It is not easy to induce people to sacrifice the creature comforts of bodily life for the wasteland of spiritual existence called heaven: paranoia and fear are required for the … Continue reading
Christian ‘BattleCry’ to save America’s Soul
Sunsara Taylor reports on a recent BattleCry rally of 17,000 young people in Philadelphia. BattleCry is Ron Luce’s effort to engage young Christians in order to return the United States to “Christian” values. Taylor reports, ‘A featured speaker, Franklin Graham, … Continue reading
Posted in Bush Wars, Christinsanity, State & Church
Doctors Complain about Health Lies
Now that conservative Christians have gained control over the Federal and some State governments, doctors are complaining about “unreliable” and in some cases entirely false information showing up on government websites and in sex education programs. So reports an article … Continue reading
Posted in Bush Science, Christinsanity, State & Church
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Rev. Alberts: Time to Censure Bush
Writing in Counterpunch, Rev.William Alberts says it’s time for people of faith — in particular the Methodist Church — to bring disciplinary action against the President, who happens to be a Methodist. Rev. William Alberts: Time for People of Faith … Continue reading
Posted in Bush Wars, Bushwacked, Faith & Reason
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How Attacking Iran Benefits China
It’s widely recognized that the greatest beneficiary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq has been Iran. Just as clearly, the biggest beneficiary of a U. S. attack on Iran will be China.This is why the administration’s recent exhortation to China’s … Continue reading
Posted in Bush Wars, Iran