- No God, no idea, nothing born of the human imagination can rival what already exists. —Chesterius
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- Mind is the Brain Improving Itself | Atheology on The Basics
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Category Archives: Evolution & ID
Georges Lemaître & Naturalism as History
Throughout the history of science, the naturalistic turn of mind has been to look for a history for physical stuff. And the supernaturalistic turn of mind has been the opposite. Plato famously excluded a history for the world by postulating … Continue reading
Posted in Atheology, Evolution & ID, Naturalism, Supernaturalism
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The Basics
For thousands of years philosophers have gotten the science of our existence wrong. They have mistakenly assumed that we know or perceive the world around us; we do not, we cannot. They have believed that our sense perceptions are direct … Continue reading
Teach the Controversy
One thing advocates of teaching Intelligent Design (ID) in school like to say is why not expose kids to both sides and “teach the controversy.” I’m actually very sympathetic to this approach. The goal of education is to learn how … Continue reading
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More Unintelligent Design
Intelligent Design advocates like to claim that evolution can’t explain the existence of “irreducible complexity” in humans and other species. But they would be much better served worrying about the far greater difficulty Intelligent Design faces: how to explain mistakes … Continue reading
Posted in Evolution & ID, Non-Existence Arguments
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Intelligent Design Unveiled
Natural History magazine (4/02) has a set of articles on intelligent design: three by intelligent design advocates Michael J. Behe, William A. Dembski, and Jonathan Wells, followed by three responses by Kenneth R. Miller, Robert T. Pennock, and Eugenie C. … Continue reading
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