- Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority. —Thomas Henry Huxley
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- Mind is the Brain Improving Itself | Atheology on Do We Live in a Simulation?
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- Mind is the Brain Improving Itself | Atheology on The Basics
- Rough Notes about Consciousness | Atheology on Mind is the Brain Improving Itself
- Rough Notes about Consciousness | Atheology on The Basics
Recent Posts
- Two Types of Atheism
- How I Found Ungod
- Coherence of Naturalism
- Skepticism, Pragmatism and Empiricism
- Mind-Stuff
- Are Mountains Real?
- Elon Musk is bad at math
- Defining Naturalism the Right Way
- Roundess & What is Real
- John Shook’s analysis of Naturalism
- What is naturalism?
- Preface to Atheism
- Georges Lemaître & Naturalism as History
- Mastodon
- Muse is the Antidote
- Fallacies of the Naive Observer
- Mind is the Brain Improving Itself
- Why Something Rather Than Nothing?
- Rough Notes about Consciousness
- Do We Live in a Simulation?
- Atheism v Naturalism
- Bill Nye, Ken Ham, and the Bible
- When Biology Trumps Physics
- Is Evolution a Fact?
- Scepticism about Scientific Realism
Category Archives: Atheology
Two Types of Atheism
There are in general two types of atheism. atheism from burden-of-proof skepticism atheism from natural worldview (naturalism that entails atheism) 20th century atheism was almost entirely the former. The 20th century champion of atheism from skepticism was Antony Flew. The … Continue reading
Posted in Atheology, Naturalism, Preface to Atheism
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How I Found Ungod
[Old piece of writing from one of my mid-1990’s websites—yes, it’s a spoof, but one with a philosophical/atheological point to make (see first footnote explaining the origin and concept of “Ungod”).] Excursions Near the Temple of Gloom or How I … Continue reading
Coherence of Naturalism
One of the fundamental “facts” about existence we all experience is that physics trumps sentience. As a consequence, physics trumps goodness, trumps morality. A single example should suffice. When a murderer points his gun at a saint and pulls the … Continue reading
Skepticism, Pragmatism and Empiricism
From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on Pragmatism… Richard Rorty (1931–2007) turned consciously to pragmatism to rectify what he saw as mainstream epistemology’s crucial mistake: naively conceiving of language and thought as ‘mirroring’ the world. Rorty’s bold and iconoclastic … Continue reading
Summary: Mind-stuff refers to sensations and meanings (which are also sensations) produced using (probably) reference frames stored in the cerebral cortex/neocortex. How does mind-stuff relate to the world? Our thoughts and feelings, our sensations and memories, are the only medium … Continue reading
Are Mountains Real?
[Post at Preface to Atheism, Apr 27, 2024.] When philosophers ask if something is real, they mean: Does it exist independently of our thoughts? Whose thoughts, exactly? Well, generally, human thoughts. Our in this context means us as a species. … Continue reading
Elon Musk is bad at math
[Post at Preface to Atheism, Apr 11, 2024] Is Elon Musk bad at mathematics? The suggestion may not shock readers who remember him foolishly paying $44 billion for Twitter (now X). For that I give him a pass. He wanted … Continue reading
Defining Naturalism the Right Way
[Post at Preface to Atheism, Feb 19, 2024. I should probably have titled it “Defining Naturalism the Best Way.”] In a previous post, “What is Naturalism?”, I quoted William H Halverson’s A Concise Introduction to Philosophy, Fourth Edition, 1981 (Random … Continue reading
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Roundess & What is Real
[Post at Preface to Atheism, Sept 16, 2023.] It’s natural to assume that what we see when we open our eyes is what the world looks like, that we see it as is. Sure, there may be more to it … Continue reading
John Shook’s analysis of Naturalism
[Third post on Preface to Atheism.] John Shook is one of the leading philosophers of naturalism. My understanding is that he advocates for pragmatic naturalism (evidence: he edited a book with that title, and has published books about the pragmatists … Continue reading
Posted in Naturalism, Preface to Atheism, Uncategorized
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