- I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time. —Friedrich Nietzsche
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- Mind is the Brain Improving Itself | Atheology on The Basics
- Rough Notes about Consciousness | Atheology on Mind is the Brain Improving Itself
- Rough Notes about Consciousness | Atheology on The Basics
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Category Archives: Non-Existence Arguments
How I Found Ungod
[Old piece of writing from one of my mid-1990’s websites—yes, it’s a spoof, but one with a philosophical/atheological point to make (see first footnote explaining the origin and concept of “Ungod”).] Excursions Near the Temple of Gloom or How I … Continue reading
Coherence of Naturalism
One of the fundamental “facts” about existence we all experience is that physics trumps sentience. As a consequence, physics trumps goodness, trumps morality. A single example should suffice. When a murderer points his gun at a saint and pulls the … Continue reading
When Biology Trumps Physics
[The following is a draft that I wrote a good decade ago, never completed. The title reveals that I had ambitious intentions for where my line of thought would go. But, being human, the 20th century morass of “information theory” and … Continue reading
Posted in Naturalism, Non-Existence Arguments
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Atheism and Common Sense
Theists often think of atheists—especially new atheists—as people who take an extreme position by closing their eyes to the obvious existence of God. In fact, atheism is eyes wide open. The atheist turns off the tv show, stops the movie, … Continue reading
Posted in Naturalism, Non-Existence Arguments
The Argument from Perfection
Either God is imperfect, God does not exist, or God did not create the physical world. Such is the conclusion to which we are driven by one of the most compelling atheist arguments. The argument from perfection is closely related … Continue reading
Cosmological Arguments
The Cosmological Argument is perhaps the classic argument for the existence of a God. Thomas Aquinas included it in his famous Five Ways, although over the years his argument has been constantly refashioned. It lives on in several distinct versions. I bring … Continue reading
Why atheism?
Why am I an atheist? Since atheism is still a somewhat unusual point of view, let me be candid about why I believe no God exists. Before proceeding, it is important to define God — otherwise no coherent discussion is … Continue reading
What atheists have in common
It’s often said that the only thing atheists have in common is what they disbelieve. It’s also often said that disbelieving in God is just as much a religious belief as is believing in God, or more exactly, that both … Continue reading
Posted in Naturalism, Non-Existence Arguments, Supernaturalism
Can General Atheism be Proved?
In Agnosticism Revisited and the Case for Atheism I argued that being agnostic about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Creator isn’t justifiable. I used the Argument from Perfection (a version of the Problem of Evil) to demonstrate that belief in a perfect creator … Continue reading
Goodbye Burden of Proof
Atheism is impoverished by the weakness of popular theism. Although God-believers are numerous, they are overwhelmingly advocates of revealed religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, which are built on credulity and faith. To put it bluntly, atheists are used to … Continue reading
Posted in Atheologians, Naturalism, Non-Existence Arguments