- If a society permits one portion of its citizenry to be menaced or destroyed, then, very soon, no one in that society is safe. The forces thus released in the people can never be held in check, but run their devouring course, destroying the very foundations which it was imagined they would save. —James Baldwin
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Category Archives: Non-Existence Arguments
Thoughts & Trees
In God & Rocks I wrote, Even if we concede the doubtful proposition that God can think thoughts, those thoughts can’t get anything done. And we all know this. A thought of a tree can’t bring an actual tree into … Continue reading
Posted in Naturalism, Non-Existence Arguments
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God & Rocks
Given that He is all-powerful, can God create a rock so heavy even He can’t lift it? Theologians have puzzled over this particular nugget for centuries. The general consensus has been that God can’t do anything which involves logical contradiction, … Continue reading
Posted in Non-Existence Arguments
Theism’s Rose-Colored Glasses
Atheists often find it difficult to understand why theists continue to believe in God despite lack of evidence and the nearly insurmountable problem of evil. But the theist position isn’t difficult to understand once we recognize that the divide between … Continue reading
Posted in Cosmological, Existence Arguments, Non-Existence Arguments
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Intro to Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274) sought to find a workable fusion of Aristotle and the Church; nonetheless he strongly objected to Plato’s formulation of man as strictly a thinker and the Platonic abandonment of matter. In particular, Plato’s program consisted … Continue reading
Posted in Existence Arguments, Naturalism, Non-Existence Arguments, Theologians
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Aquinas and the 2nd Way
I was first exposed to Aquinas’ 5 proofs of God’s existence as a college freshman — a strongly religious theistic freshman, at that — yet immediately I saw that his proofs were flawed. They didn’t work to prove God at … Continue reading
God’s Physical Problem
In the Warren-Flew Debate* on God’s existence, which took place in the North Texas State University Coliseum from Sept 20 to 23, 1976, Anthony Flew identified 4 ways in which the existence of a postulated being might be challenged. The … Continue reading
Two Types of Knowing
If the world outside of our thoughts was of the same essence as the world of our thoughts, there would be only one kind of knowing. Yet philosophers have long recognized that knowing comes in two distinct varieties. There is … Continue reading
Mind, Matter & Divine Creation
Perhaps the greatest challenge to a naturalistic worldview is explaining consciousness. This difficulty has several aspects. How did experiencing and consciousness evolve? For that matter why would it have evolved? But more troublesome than the evolutionary question is the basic … Continue reading
More Unintelligent Design
Intelligent Design advocates like to claim that evolution can’t explain the existence of “irreducible complexity” in humans and other species. But they would be much better served worrying about the far greater difficulty Intelligent Design faces: how to explain mistakes … Continue reading
Posted in Evolution & ID, Non-Existence Arguments
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Evolution — the Dividing Line
It’s not surprising that the issue of teaching evolution (or not — or countering it with intelligent design) keeps cropping up around the country. For practical purposes, evolution is the dividing line between theism and atheism. Evolution points the way … Continue reading
Posted in Atheology, Existence Arguments, Non-Existence Arguments
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